The Blessings Project
Have you ever heard the story of “Stone Soup?”
It’s the story of a community coming alongside one
another to create a meal that not only feeds a wandering
stranger but also nourishes the entire community.
Individually, no one has all of the necessary ingredients.
However, little by little, the characters each discover
they all have something to contribute to the soup for
the good of the whole.
At times, neighbors in our local communities do not have enough resources to secure a basic meal or simple household items such as toilet paper or laundry detergent. Even with various assistance programs available on the state and local levels, there are often limits and restrictions as to what goods may be acquired and how often, regardless of actual need. Additionally, there may be shame, embarrassment, pride, and a host of other emotions associated with need that impede or inhibit a neighbor from seeking help.
Much like “Stone Soup,” The Blessings Project is an opportunity for neighbors to each share what they can to benefit and “bless” the greater community through a free, community-based pantry of non-perishable food items and other sundries, such as household cleaning products and personal care items. The Blessings Project pantry will be accessible 24/7, and neighbors in need will be able to come to the pantry on their own time and schedule to take whatever is necessary. No questions asked. No additional requirements.
We all have something we can share, whether it be goods, time, talent, money, etc. If everyone helps a little, we have the potential to do much good to benefit the whole, particularly for those in our local communities who are the most vulnerable and in need. Like the community members in the story of “Stone Soup,” we hope you will come alongside us in providing the “ingredients” to make “soup” for our local communities through The Blessings Project.
The Blessings Project is part of the Little Free Pantry Movement.
Location of The Blessings Project
The Blessings Projects is located on the property of Mission United Lutheran Church at
16463 Pelkie Rd., Pelkie, MI 49958
just off M-38 and north of the Pelkie Cemetery.
Suggested Pantry Items
Food Items:
Soups – canned and/or dried
Pastas – spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, couscous, etc.
Cereal – hot and cold
Snack Crackers
Dried Fruit
Granola and other Snack Bars
Coffee/Tea Bags/Hot Chocolate Packs/Powdered Drink Mix to add to water
Vegetables – green beans, corn, baked beans, etc.
Fruit – applesauce, peaches, mixed fruit, etc.
Sauces and gravies
Instant Potatoes
Powdered Milk
Dried Beans
Canned meats – Spam, tuna, chicken
Jell-O and Pudding
Cake or Brownie Mixes
Personal Care Items:
Diapers and wipes
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
Individual bars of soap
Feminine Products
Household Supplies:
Toilet Paper
Paper Towel
Laundry Detergent
Dish Soap
Cleaning Supplies
Please consider donating items that are non-perishable and seasonal. Items with liquids will freeze during winter months, and items subject to spoilage from heat are not conducive to summer months.
Please consider donating items in metal, plastic, or cardboard packaging. Items in glass containers are subject to breakage.
Items for donation may be dropped off at Mission United Lutheran Church Monday through Friday during office hours of 8 AM to 4:00 PM.
Community Partners
The Blessings project is a community effort.